Maple Height’s local business community is an inviting climate with opportunities available for all types of business owners and entrepreneurs – at any stage of implementing a business plan. Our proximity as a centrally located community in the region offers ample benefits for those considering conducting or opening a new business. The City of Maple Heights offers attainable real estate options, unique commercial corridors and retail space, as well as industrial facilities nearby the Broadway Central Business District. Warrensville Center Road is the most heavily trafficked corridor with nearly 17,000 vehicles traversing each day (ODOT). Nearly 25,000 residents call Maple Heights home – located just 9 miles from both Downtown Cleveland, Ohio and University Circle employment hubs. Access to Interstate Highways I-480, 271, and 77 is optimal with each in very close proximity. The City is excited to convene our local business community, find common threads through which we can collectively accomplish goals, take care of each other and prosper together in Maple Heights. Join us in a City facing forward.