Published On: 03/28/2024
Five Ways to Celebrate National Mentoring Day in Your Company this October!

National Mentoring Day is recognized on October 27 this year; this is an excellent opportunity to gain insight and support from others! According to, “Since October 27 is National Mentoring Day, it’s the perfect time to think of a mentor that shaped you into who you are today. It’s time to celebrate them! National Mentoring Day was created to highlight the importance of mentoring in all forms. Award-winning business mentor Chelsey Baker founded the holiday with the aim to focus on how rewarding mentoring can be for everyone involved.” Keep reading to get ideas on how to celebrate National Mentoring Day in your company this year!

Five Ways to Celebrate National Mentoring Day in Your Company:
Launch a Mentoring Program: If your organization doesn’t already have one, National Mentoring Day is the perfect occasion to start one. This initiative can pair less experienced employees with more seasoned professionals to foster skill development, increase confidence, and promote knowledge sharing within your team.

Host a Workshop or Seminar:
Organize an event focused on the importance of mentoring in career growth and development. The workshop could include presentations from successful mentoring pairs within your organization or invite an external speaker who is a recognized leader in mentorship practices. It can also cover effective communication, goal setting, and feedback strategies.

Recognize Existing Mentors:
Use this day to acknowledge and celebrate the mentors within your organization. Public recognition, such as awards or mentions in company communications, can be a meaningful way to show appreciation for their dedication to helping others grow professionally.

Facilitate Networking Opportunities:
Arrange a networking event or “speed mentoring” session where employees can quickly meet multiple potential mentors or mentees. Networking can help individuals find the right mentoring match and foster connections across different departments or levels within your organization.

Share Success Stories:
Collect and share stories from those who have benefited from mentoring relationships within your company or in their previous experiences. Stories could be shared through a newsletter, blog post, or social media. Highlighting these stories can inspire others to seek mentoring opportunities and emphasize the value of mentorship in professional growth.

Implementing these ideas can celebrate National Mentoring Day and build a stronger, more collaborative, and engaged workplace.

If you’re interested in learning more about National Mentoring Day’s history, click here. If you want to share how your business or team is getting involved, contact and we’ll feature you in our newsletter!

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